The showroom at Thamova 24, Praha 8 has been closed since 1.1.2024. The goods can only be sent to your address.

Other hand grinders and machines

Page 1 of 1 - 5 items total
Gun stuffer, tinned

Gun stuffer, tinned sheet

Code: 17021
LODOS Cabbage slicer HORAL

Cabbage Slicer HORAL

Code: 040038
Corn Grinder VICTORIA

Corn Grinder made of cast iron, hot tinned.

Code: 010015/C/PLAST
Kráječ chleba TREND (Typ bílý s připevněním na přísavku)
from €75,20
€79,07 (up to –7 %)

Bread Slicer TREND

Code: 040146/4
Manual sausage filler TRE SPADE
€409,87 (–18 %)

Manual sausage filler TRE SPADE, stainless steel

Code: 010431
Nabídka značek